Monday, 29 June 2015

日本最溫柔的夢幻和菓子 — 水信玄餅

記得應該是去年夏天吧,我們就曾經為大家介紹過水信玄餅(Mizu Shingen Mochi)這款日本點心,像水滴一樣晶瑩剔透,一看就愛上了,如果你還沒有吃過這款美到心都要被融化掉的夢幻和菓子,那麼今天不妨來和我們一起做做看吧,其實要比你想象中容易得多。
A Day Recipes: Mizu Shingen Mochi 5
Step 1: 如果你打算在水信玄餅中加入櫻花,第一步應該提前浸泡櫻花。首選蜜漬櫻花,因為本身帶有甜味適合做甜品,而且相較鹽漬的更容易泡開。
A Day Recipes: Mizu Shingen Mochi 1
Step 2: 櫻花泡開後開始製作水信玄餅。16g白涼粉與10-15g幼砂糖在一個大碗中混合,將結塊的粉按壓開。
A Day Recipes: Mizu Shingen Mochi 2
Step 3: 下面是用熱水沖兌的環節,需要用到510-520ml水,先倒入大概1/3的量。
A Day Recipes: Mizu Shingen Mochi 3
Step 4: 攪拌至粉狀混合物完成溶解於水中。
A Day Recipes: Mizu Shingen Mochi 4
Step 5: 繼續加入1/3的熱水,攪拌混合,然後再倒入剩下的1/3並攪拌。
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Step 6: 立刻倒入圓形模中,先倒半個圓模的量。
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Step 7:將泡開花的櫻花倒著夾入水信玄餅混合液中,筷子夾著短柄,上下按壓,讓花瓣散開來。
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Step 8: 蓋上蓋子,如果你想做稍微大一點的水信玄餅,可以在模具頂端的開口處插入漏斗,倒入剩下的混合液,基本上7成滿就很好看了。室溫靜置大約1小時,如果你喜歡吃冷的,可以放入冰箱冷藏30分鐘。
A Day Recipes: Mizu Shingen Mochi 7
Step 8: 溫柔地打開蓋子,將大平盤反著蓋在水信玄餅上,然後模具和盤子同時反過來,一般來說即可脫模,還是脫不了的話可以拍一下模具,水信玄餅就會掉出。最後搭配一點熟黃豆粉,還有黑糖漿就可以吃了。
A Day Recipes: Mizu Shingen Mochi 12

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Rocku Yakiniku 日式烤肉 @ 7th Floor Pavilion Malaysia

早在要去KL的前几天在网上看到open rice 的反转Pavilion品尝新餐厅, 里面list了10间新开的餐厅!正好我上个星期六要去那里走走逛逛,所以就在这List里选择吃什么吧!看到Rocku Yakiniku的烤肉Buffet好吸引我,做了一些research才发觉原来这间店最近好火红!所以决定了就去吃它吧!

本来的Pavilion只有6楼,现在开了新的7楼Dining Loft,顾名思义就是有几间新餐厅在这一楼啦!Dining Loft是在Pavilion的酒吧街那一边,也就是6楼Tokyo Street的另外一side。 Dining Loft 有7间餐馆,而目前只开了3间,就是Pig & Wolf, Rocku Yakiniku 和 Village Roast Duck。

Rocku Yakiniku是来自新加坡的日式Buffet烧烤餐厅。这里的烧烤是用现成的火炭的哦!而这里的Buffet不像以往的餐厅限时2个钟头,而是限时100分钟!如果你吃不够?要加时是可以的!20分钟RM9.90。这里的装修设计都很日本街头文化,还有一些日本漫图案。


这里的食物有不同部分的猪肉,牛肉和鸡肉,当然还有一些海鲜例如scallop,squid,salmon,Prawn,Mussels,(我还真的不懂这些海鲜的华语,Paiseh啊),也还有一些蔬菜和主食。饮料方面有汽水,烧酒,啤酒,还有green tea。

首先服务生会问你是不是全部肉都上一份,我们说是,好的。但是过后他们只上了一部分而已。而且我们不怎么会分别肉的种类,只知道牛肉,猪肉,鸡肉而已。还有就是belly 和bacon而已。

们吃到饱就刚好100分钟了,所以没有早走,也没有加时。服务生会帮忙提醒时间。吃剩下的食物不会被charge,但是环保着想还是吃多少拿多少好。而我们离开时已经差不多2点钟,这个时候外面排满人潮!我的天~ 所以最好打电话预定位子吧!


价钱:RM32.90 x 2 + RM3 (green tea) x services charge 10% = RM75.68 for 2 person

Sunday, 31 May 2015

NIKE Factory Outlet在雪隆区开张,价格超便宜!

Nike为雪隆区的Nike爱好者帶来好消息,马来西亚在靠近KLIA机场一带开了第三家NIKE Factory Outlet了! 

看來這家店不請多點店員是不行啊。 但是貨有限量所以要買的話趕緊的去看看吧。
大家都想知道地点在哪里,现在就通知大家.. 因為昨天我去了一趟正的超便宜哦
Nike Factory Outlet
地址:Lot G64, Mitsui Outlet Park KLIA ,
Persiaran Komersial
64000 Sepang Selangor Darul Ehsan
电话 : 03-85298910

Sunday, 24 May 2015


MAD MAX可以算是一部藝術片,剛開始看了他們的預告片充滿好奇心。而且這部電影是重拍過,導演和編劇都是同一個人名叫George Miller 相信大家對他很陌生,但是他曾拍過HAPPY FEET 卡通電影還有Babe: Pig in the City 這導演第一部電影就是1979年的MAD MAX  這部電影時間長達到兩個小時左右,看完後總覺得剛開始就很緊張一直追打差不多一個小時,之後平靜下來十五分鐘然後又開始一直追打四十五分鐘到完為止。

看看這畫面就是 TOM HARDY 稱在BATMAN裡演過一個反派角色叫 BANE,應該大家都記得那壞角色。

然後MAD MAX裡反派老大就是這位,曾在1979MAD MAX也是演現在這角色。但是現在這角色裝扮非常非常酷多了。

整部電音最喜歡的畫面就是這個。 超酷的! 你們不覺得嗎?


Saturday, 4 April 2015

This is the One and For All ~ GE62 2QE

I do love to carry my laptop wherever I go. I had other Axxx brand series laptop before, but this year I change my mind. I brought the No. 1 GAMING laptop in the world for myself as my 28 years old gift. I had been searching for many gaming laptops such as ASUS, ACER but none of them resembling touched my heart. One day, I went to BestBuy asked the workers that gaming laptops they recommend the most. They told me “MSI” brand. Well, honestly I never heard of it. Until I watched the product videos and played for a while, I have to say I do love it. The sound effect with the Dragon headset is quite spectacular and looks like a professional gamer.

This my laptop GE62 2QE; it is a gaming notebook in 15.6 inch. And it does light and slimmer chassis. Compare to my previous Axxx series laptops.
And the unbelievable thing is, from starting press the power bottom to go to the main screen, this laptop only takes less than 10 seconds. Can you believe that? I was very surprising to have such a magical and efficiency function. It helps me and saves me a lot of time.     

In addition, I got this GE62 is a new graphics chip from NVIDIA’s GeForce 900M series. The worker said this graphic card can support many heavy games already.
From the top, you can see my laptop is black. And also there is a loyal dragon shield on the upper surface. I think the rest of the case made of plastic.     

GE62 offers enough ports. Most ports are to be found on the left side of the case. There are two USB 3.0 ports, HDMI, MINU display port, GOLD microphone input, Gold headphone jack, and also the slot for a Kensington lock.  

On the right side, you can clear to see there is a Blu-Ray burner, USB 2.0, SD card reader, power supply. 

You can customize your keyboard. You can do the color and macro each key to fit your gaming style. Thus, the keyboard has built in SteelSeries model in other MSI notebooks. When you put your hands on the keyboard, you can feel the smooth keys have a moderate stroke and clear pressure point. The keys also offer a pleasingly comfortable resistance.

Overall, the keyboard offers a good touching when you are typing.    

Check this out, the keyboard also offers multi-colored backlighting.

There is another thing that MSI has another feature that can compete with others. The Killer E2200 LAN, the most efficiency net for Killer Gaming Networking. We usually will play and watch the Youtube all at once. So which means you need to use a lot of internets. The Killer is intelligent to help you organize your networking projects. It is not just only to support you incredible online speed but also can help you to do the multi-tasks in the wireless area. Their technology recognized online game data packs and processes them first, accelerating them in the process. The best skill to against your enemies are stuttering characters, freeze-ups, and lagging.

So this is how I love this affordable, reliable, and capable laptop. Once you have a play, you will never go to others.       

Thursday, 2 April 2015

The Papaya

What do you think of the papaya like? Normally, it should be a bit more like yellow with some orange colors. And it looks very big like a football. I used to buy the fruits in the supermarket. But today I went to the Asian market with my roommate. She showed me this.

Well I ever had seen this Papaya like this small. Compare to my previous mind accept. It should not be that small.

There is knowledge for you. Have you ever grown papaya in your lifetime? Do you know the papaya is really easy to grow? And do you ever know that the papaya seeds can cure human’s digestive system? In fact, the papaya seeds from papaya fruit have anti-helminthic and anti-amoebic properties. It means they kill intestinal worms and other parasitic organisms in your digestive system and using papaya seeds for parasites have proven to be very effective.

It is getting hotter than hotter. If the weather gets hot than more and more people will go to buy some drinks. There is a healthy suggestion for you. Sometimes you don’t like to eat the papaya but you would love to do another way to blend it with the milk as your soft drink.

So here is my way to make a papaya milk tea. First of all, you have to pour in a cup of healthy “MILK” into a blender. Second, you need to slide the papaya into pieces. That makes the papaya easy to blend with milk together. You can use a cup of milk or water which will make the smoothies extra creamy. I would recommend you do not use other drinks like soy milk or conventional cow’s milk for various health issues where possible. Once you have added everything, blend up all of the ingredients on high until the consistency looks good to you. It certainly tastes better than any other parasite treatment I’ve ever had. 

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

The First SPICY Noodle 天下第一辣板面

I am learning Chinese now. So today I am going to use Chinese to write my journal......

天下第一辣板面~ 好!就點這來試試看。但是版上後面有寫著“如果食了後有什麼意外,本店可沒負責”。。

看來很普通但是吃了後,真的太辣了。 辣得嘴都嘛了~

